Trevor's Filmography
Trevor has been in many movies since he started acting. These movies include:
Men Of War - 1994 as Keefer
Mortal Kombat - 1995 as Kano
Fast Money - 1995 as Regy
Illegal in Blue - 1995 as Mickey Fuller
Deep Rising - 1998 as T-Ray Jones
Legion - 1998 as Cutter
Assault on Devil's Island - 1997 (made for tv) as Fraker
Trevor has also just finished filming a movie with Nicolas Cage called "Gone in 60 Seconds"
He has also made various guest appearences on many TV shows such as The X-Files, Murphy Brown, Babylon 5, and many others.
And of course, as we all know, he still holds the current role of Lt. Commander Mic Brumby on JAG.
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Disclaimer: This is totally meant to be a fan site dedicated to Trevor Goddard. The characters on this page in no way belong to me. No infringement on copyright is intended.
Site owned and operated by Crystal, Feb. 20, 2000.
Last updated: July 11, 2000
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